Downtown Tokyo

Downtown Tokyo

lundi 24 octobre 2011

Social security or not?

As it was said in the previous posts, the Japanese government has decided to take a lot of drastic measures to stop the on-going nuclear crisis. One of these measures was to increase income taxes. But one of the latest measure that the government has decided to take is to decrease social security among women. The government wants to revise the designation for homemakers that allows them a pension share if their husbands are enrolled in the program through their employers. The reason why the government wants to remove this pension is that they are saying that all Japanese pay for this program but it is not all of them that benefit from this program. The government said that this program benefits 10 million full-time housewives over 33 million other women, married or single, who work either part-time or full-time and have to make pension payments themselves. I don't agree with the government because they completely want to remove the social security for women and I don't think that this is fair. Instead of removing completely this social security, they should add some. Every single women should have the same level of social security.

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