Downtown Tokyo

Downtown Tokyo

mardi 13 septembre 2011

The background of the Japan Crisis

          To understand modern situation in Japan, you have to go back to the events of April 2010. During the month of April, there was a huge tsunami in the Eastern Asia which affected mostly the country of Japan. As you may know or not, Japan is one of the most technologically advanced country in the world. They have many huge nuclear centrals which are mostly located near the seacoast. This tsunami touched the coast of Japan and therefore caused a lot of trouble throughout the country. Nuclear centrals broke and this created a lot of nuclear waste that travelled through the air. This pollution, which can cause death, landed on the ground but also travelled throughout the sea pretty much all around the world. We may think that this catastrophe was only an environmental one for Japan but it also affected the political-economic situation of Japan. In the next few weeks, you will get to know more about the fragile situation of Japan.

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